The impressive growth of artificial intelligence in the last few years has been a major testament to the capabilities of AI. You can pursue a lucrative career path in AI as an AI engineer. Interestingly, artificial intelligence engineers are one of the most in-demand jobs in AI. The average AI engineer salary estimate generally suggests that you can expect a six-figure salary for the role.

Any professional interested in technology who has a strong background in software programming can pursue the role of an AI engineer. Artificial intelligence has the capability to create smart computer systems and machines that can simulate human intelligence. AI can also learn from new experiences and adapt to continuously changing inputs. 

Artificial intelligence has massive potential for simplification and enhancement of business tasks, generally handled by humans. As a matter of fact, AI can contribute more than $15 trillion to the global economy by 2030. With more organizations turning towards AI, the salary of AI engineers would also increase alongside the demand for AI engineers. Artificial intelligence engineers can rethink the conventional approaches to using ML algorithms, models, and tools. Let us learn more about the salaries of AI engineers and the factors that influence them.

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Who is an AI Engineer?

The discussions about artificial engineer salaries must revolve around an in-depth understanding of the role itself. AI engineers are responsible for developing, programming, and training the complex algorithms that power AI systems. Artificial intelligence engineers must have expertise in software development, data science, programming, and data engineering.

They are also responsible for uncovering and pulling data from different sources. In addition, an AI engineer also works on designing, developing, and testing machine learning models. Furthermore, they also take care of development and implementation of AI applications by using API calls or embedded code. 

The review of entry-level AI engineers’ salaries also requires a deeper reflection on the role of AI engineers. Artificial intelligence engineers are actually architects who leverage machine learning, data science, and deep learning to develop, test, and deploy AI models. AI engineers must also engage in collaboration with data scientists and other stakeholders for effective translation of their data-centric strategies to a production-level AI solution. On top of that, an AI engineer must stay updated with the latest industry trends to improve existing AI systems and models.

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What are the Notable Responsibilities of AI Engineers?

The primary responsibility of AI engineers revolves around development of AI models by using ML algorithms and deep learning neural networks. An effective understanding of the responsibilities of AI engineers can help you determine whether an AI engineer’s salary is worth it. Here are some of the most important responsibilities of an AI engineer.

  • Development of AI models from scratch and help stakeholders understand the outcomes of the models.
  • Implementation of statistical analysis and interpretation of the results to make accurate business decisions.
  • Development and management of AI product infrastructure.
  • Creating infrastructures for data transformation and data ingestion. 
  • Automation of infrastructure leveraged by the data science teams.
  • Development of ML applications according to requirements.
  • Running experiments and tests in ML and AI.
  • Training and retraining of AI systems.
  • Transformation of machine learning models to APIs for easier interaction with other applications.
  • Collaboration with other departments and members of the AI team.

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What is the Average Salary of AI Engineers?

The responsibilities of AI engineers show that you have to invest a lot of effort in the role. Therefore, you are likely to think about how much you would receive as a salary for a job that requires you to address so many responsibilities. You can find answers to “Is AI engineer a good career?” by taking a look at the average salary of artificial intelligence engineers. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has pointed out that the average salary of an artificial intelligence engineer is almost $136,620. On top of it, a popular job review website, Glassdoor, reports that the average salary of AI engineers in the US is almost $134,132.

Other platforms, such as ZipRecruiter, present a more positive picture of the salary of an AI engineer in the United States at almost $165,000. The annual salary for AI engineers in the US can start from $90,000 and could go up to $304,500. It is also important to note that most of the AI engineers earn between $142,500 and $173,000. Most of the top earners in AI engineering in the US earn around $216,500 every year.

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Will AI Engineer Jobs Grow in Future?

Salary estimates are one of the first things that anyone should consider before choosing a career path. Interestingly, the entry-level AI engineer salary can encourage anyone to pursue a career in this field. However, it is also important to check whether an AI engineer can accomplish continuous growth in their career in future.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected that AI jobs would grow by almost 21% in the period from 2021 to 2031. On top of it, AI engineers can also explore different and versatile career options across different industries. Here is an outline of how AI engineers can serve as valuable assets for businesses in various fields. 

Finance is one of the prominent sectors where AI engineers would enjoy high demand. AI is a valuable tool in the domain of finance for risk assessment, portfolio management, predictive analytics, and fraud detection.

People who want to know about artificial engineer salaries must also explore opportunities in the technology sector. Businesses in the domain of technology have continued to use AI solutions for innovation and integration of their functionalities in different products and services.

The consulting industry also opens up new opportunities for long-term career growth of AI engineers. Businesses across different industries want to introduce AI in their operations, and they need AI engineers’ skills to guide and implement the transformation. 

You can also find convincing answers to “Is AI engineer a good career?” with opportunities in the healthcare sector. AI engineers can play a major role in expanding the technological capabilities of healthcare businesses. AI engineers can also create AI systems to facilitate diagnosis, personalized medicine, and treatment recommendations.

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Which Factors Determine the Salary of AI Engineers?

The range of industries that offer employment opportunities to AI engineers showcases how the profession would enjoy a high demand. However, the AI engineer’s salary estimate would depend on different factors. Here is an outline of the notable factors which influence the salaries of AI engineers.

  • Industry 

One of the foremost factors that influence the salary of AI engineers is the industry in which they work. According to reports by Glassdoor, the most lucrative industries for AI engineers include information technology, media and communication, and government and public administrations. At the same time, tech companies and financial service institutions also need AI engineers, thereby increasing the prospects for higher salaries.

  • Experience

Another crucial factor that determines the remuneration of an AI engineer is experience. Just like many other jobs, more experience brings the assurance of a higher salary. For example, the entry-level AI engineer’s salary is almost $118,166, while AI engineers with intermediate-level experience can earn $147,880. Senior AI engineers can earn $163,037 annually, and some professionals can earn almost $200,000 annually.

  • Location

Location is also a prominent factor that determines the salary difference for AI engineers. The cost of living can vary largely in major US cities, thereby leading to differences in the salaries for AI engineers. For example, AI engineers can earn $159,467 in New York City and $182,322 in San Francisco. 

How Can AI Engineers Earn More Salary?

Any professional aspiring to become an AI engineer would have queries about methods for increasing their salary. You must follow different best practices to improve your skills and learn new programming languages. For example, you should learn about other programming languages like Lisp and JavaScript to improve your all-round expertise in AI. 

Artificial intelligence engineers can also increase their salary by developing skills in the in-demand areas. Some of the specialized areas in AI include large language models and generative AI. Furthermore, AI engineers can also leverage professional networking to their advantage for discovering high-paying jobs.

Candidates wondering about queries like “Is AI engineer a good career?” can also seek answers in certifications. Professional AI certifications can add credibility to the resume of an AI engineer and showcase their commitment to professional development. Aspiring candidates can use it as a vital tool in their favor during negotiations for salary.

Final Words

The discussions about AI engineer salaries primarily revolve around numbers. However, it is important to look beyond the box and think of innovative and effective resources to develop AI engineering skills. Any candidate aspiring to become an AI engineer can expect six-figure salaries, even for entry-level roles. However, the lucrative profession also demands better skills, and professional training courses can help you develop them. Find out the best practices for choosing an effective learning platform for AI engineer certification and training courses.

About Author

David Miller is a dedicated content writer and customer relationship specialist at Future Skills Academy. With a passion for technology, he specializes in crafting insightful articles on AI, machine learning, and deep learning. David's expertise lies in creating engaging content that educates and inspires readers, helping them stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the tech industry.