Technology is gradually becoming an important part of our daily lives with a broad range of applications. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are the most prominent technologies that have helped companies pursue innovation in different areas. The artificial intelligence vs. machine learning vs. deep learning debate has become a major point of concern for businesses which want to stay ahead of the curve. Businesses as well as people have been experiencing trouble differentiating between the three terms. 

The relationship between AI, ML, and DL creates doubts as most people consider them as the same thing. You can think about the three technologies as different AI systems related to each other. AI encompasses machine learning and deep learning is a subset of machine learning. Let us uncover more insights on the differences between AI, machine learning and deep learning to understand the relationship between them. 

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Discovering the Fundamentals of AI, ML, and DL 

The first step to understand the differences between artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning focuses on their definition. You can develop a clear impression of the AI vs. ML vs. DL comparison with better understanding of artificial intelligence. AI is the broadest term of the trio and represents systems that can think and respond like humans. Artificial intelligence can replicate human intelligence and cognitive abilities such as learning and problem solving. 

Machine learning is an important component in the AI landscape which uses algorithms that are trained with different datasets. Machine learning algorithms can learn from data without programming specific rules for the learning process. It is one of the earliest technological advancements that established the foundations for the AI revolution.  

The deep learning machine learning AI debate also showcases that deep learning is a subdomain of machine learning. Deep learning uses neural networks to function like the human brain for different tasks with structured as well as unstructured data. Neural networks empower deep learning models with the capabilities to solve tasks that are difficult to solve with machine learning models. Most of the examples of deep learning systems help with complex tasks like fraud detection. 

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Comparison between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Every business must compare AI, ML and DL to make the most of their potential for diverse use cases. The answers to queries like “What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and deep learning?” can help business owners identify the ideal choice for their desired applications. AI, machine learning and deep learning affect almost every industry including IT, healthcare, financial services and supply chain management.

Let us find a better comparison between the three technologies on the basis of different parameters. 

AI vs ML vs DL

Purpose of the Technology 

The most important factor in the differences between AI, machine learning and deep learning is their purpose. An overview of the primary objective of each technology can help you understand their fundamental nature from scratch. 

  • Artificial intelligence is a discipline of computer science that focuses on developing systems that can perform tasks which need human intelligence. Some of the common assumptions about artificial intelligence suggest that it might overpower human intelligence in the distant future. It is important to remember that AI empowers businesses and people rather than taking over the world. 
  • Machine learning is a crucial subdomain of artificial intelligence that serves as the foundation of many AI applications in everyday lives. The primary purpose of machine learning focuses on empowering computer systems to learn from data like humans. Machine learning algorithms uncover hidden patterns in data that can help users take the decisions to solve pressing concerns. 
  • Deep learning is an advanced subdomain of machine learning that expands the capabilities of machines to understand complex data. Neural networks have been responsible for boosting the development of deep learning models. The architecture of neural networks has been designed like the structure of the human brain with interconnected nodes representing neurons. Deep learning models can improve the cognitive abilities of machines and enable the identification of complex patterns in large datasets.

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Core Highlights 

The distinct core highlights of AI, ML and DL provide a clear impression of the important elements that make them special. The deep learning vs. machine learning vs. AI comparison can offer insights on the crucial elements that define their functionalities.

  • Artificial intelligence does not represent any proprietary technology. It collectively represents different technologies, including machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing.  
  • Machine learning includes algorithms that can learn from data through different methods such as supervised and unsupervised learning. 
  • Deep learning includes specialized neural networks that expand the capabilities of machine learning algorithms to work on large datasets. The important components of deep learning help in working on structured as well as unstructured data for different applications. 

Learning Process 

The best thing about deep learning machine learning AI technologies is the ability to work like humans. You would find different approaches for learning in each technology with distinct advantages. The learning process of these three technologies offers a clear impression of the ways in which they are capable of performing wonders. 

  • Artificial intelligence leverages different technologies such as machine learning, deep learning and NLP for simulating human intelligence in computer systems. The ability of AI to perform different complex tasks that require human intelligence depends on its learning process. 
  • Machine learning follows a unique approach to learn patterns from data and draw valuable insights to solve different problems. Machine learning models use algorithms that are trained by using different methods for specific applications. 
  • Deep learning implements an advanced learning process in which neural networks play a significant role. Neural networks are capable of simulating the cognitive abilities and functions of the human brain. The use of neural networks in the learning process of deep learning models makes them useful for learning from large volumes of structured and unstructured data. 

Development Time 

The development time for AI, machine learning and deep learning also serves as a crucial parameter for comparing the three technologies. It is an important factor as the development time determines how quickly businesses can introduce solutions based on these technologies. 

  • The artificial intelligence vs. machine learning vs. deep learning comparison emphasizes the fact that AI requires more development time. AI solutions need more development time as they can cover different types of applications. 
  • Machine learning solutions require moderate development time due to the involvement of algorithms. The development time for machine learning would depend on the datasets used for training the machine learning algorithms. 
  • Deep learning solutions rank the highest in terms of development time due to the need for sophisticated neural networks. The complexity of problems and data required for the training process plays a major role in extending the development time for deep learning models.


The applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning also provide clear insights into their utility. You can find better answers to “What is the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and deep learning?” by identifying how they can help users. The overview of their applications can also provide a better impression of their significance in the AI landscape. 

  • The most prominent applications of artificial intelligence include chatbots, virtual assistants, self-driving cars and AI-powered games. 
  • Machine learning is an ideal choice for applications such as email filtering, predictive maintenance and recommendation engines. 
  • Deep learning is useful for advanced applications such as natural language processing, image recognition and voice assistants. 

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The element of interoperability is also a notable factor in the comparison between AI, machine learning and deep learning. It ensures that the systems using these technologies can work seamlessly with each other. 

  • The ML vs. DL vs. AI comparison shows that AI offers limited interoperability due to the complexities. 
  • Machine learning models use a simple design, thereby offering better interoperability as compared to deep learning models.
  • Deep learning models offer low interoperability due to the use of complex models. The deep learning models work as black boxes with their functionalities limited only to the native models. 


Accuracy is another important parameter for comparing AI, machine learning and deep learning. You can determine the effectiveness of these technologies on the basis of accuracy of their output. 

  • Artificial intelligence solutions offer varied levels of accuracy according to the use case. The accuracy of AI systems also depends on the quality of their implementation. 
  • Machine learning models offer significantly higher accuracy with the use of the right data and tuning mechanisms. 
  • Deep learning models offer the highest accuracy levels by leveraging larger and relevant datasets, irrespective of the nature of data. 

Final Thoughts 

The deep learning vs. machine learning vs. AI battle showcases the important parameters that distinguish them from each other. You must note that AI, ML and DL have a hierarchical relationship in which AI encompasses the other two. In simple words, deep learning models are included in machine learning and all machine learning models are included in AI. However, the converse is not true. Learn more about artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning to understand their differences with better insights right now.

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About Author

David Miller is a dedicated content writer and customer relationship specialist at Future Skills Academy. With a passion for technology, he specializes in crafting insightful articles on AI, machine learning, and deep learning. David's expertise lies in creating engaging content that educates and inspires readers, helping them stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the tech industry.